
Teetime reservation is needed from April to the middle of November for Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays only. Information to the actual playing conditions on both courses can be found here:

See the actual playing conditions


Book your Teetimes online up from Wednesday 07:00 or by phone  +43 2235 870 55 10 up from Wednesday 8:00 for the Weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and respectivley for Holidays 3 days in advance. Online booking is availible here:

Book your Teetimes at golf.at


Please notice the teetime priority for Club Members and Greenfee Players accompanied by Club Members from 10am to 2pm o´clock on Weekends and Holidays.

Players who do not keep their Teetime lose their claim to a Teetime. Players who do not keep the booked Teetime, lose the opportunity to book Teetimes.

When booking your Teetime, please let us know your name, handicap and home club and from your fellow players as well.

Please send your request for group reservations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please notice: reservations are valid only after confirmation by the CCG-Team.